Jonas Seng
Machine Learning Group, Computer Science Department, TU Darmstadt. Hochschulstrasse 1, Building S1|03, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany.
jonas (dot) seng (at) tu-darmstadt (dot) de

Mission. My research interests are centered around AutoML which aims to automate building Machine Learning (ML) models and pipelines. By this, ML gets accessible for people without a background in this topic, models can be built faster in a more reproducable manner and ML-pipelines get less error-prone.
Currently my focus is Neural Architecture Search (NAS), Hyperparamter-optimization as well as connecting AutoML with Federated Learning (FL).

2021 - now: Ph.D. candidate at the Machine Learning Lab, CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
2019 - 2021: M.Sc. Computer Science with focus AI & ML at CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
2016 - 2019: B.Sc. Computer Science at DHBW Mannheim in cooperation with DZ Bank AG, Germany.